Cartagena Culture Magazine



Tourist Service Center

If you ever need any help during your time in Cartagena!
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Cartagena de Indias has different entities that are responsible for providing protection, advice and attention to national and/or foreign tourists who visit the city. Taking into account the above, the Cartagena de Indias Tourism Corporation offers guidance to tourists, so that they can expedite attention when certain situations arise, especially emergencies.

Taking into account the possible situations that may arise for a tourist while visiting a destination, the tourist service channels are listed below in order to provide information in these situations.

Muelle la Bodeguita, Av. Blas de Lezo piso 2. Centro, Cartagena de Indias.

Monday to Friday :
8 am - 12 pm & from 1 pm - 5 pm

+57 (605) 655 0211

Consumer protection

If you have concerns about failures, poor quality, non-compliance, misleading information or pricing, you have two options:


The person filing the lawsuit seeks repair or exchange of the good or the return of the money paid through the effectiveness of the warranty.

File a complaint

The objective of the action is to protect the general interest and the collective right of all consumers


If you are a victim of scams or thefts in Cartagena, you must file your virtual complaint with the Attorney General's Office.

police guidance

If you require police guidance or tourist information, you can visit the physical or virtual tourist service centers.


If you have emergency or urgent situations, you can go to the nearest health center or contact the following telephone lines

Tourism Manager

Report cases of violence intrafamilial, sexual or gender and human trafficking in the Contact Center


Cartagena de Indias has TAXI-type public transportation fare regulation. You can take them from the airport or any other tourist point.


The person filing the lawsuit seeks repair or exchange of the good or the return of the money paid through the effectiveness of the warranty.

File a complaint

The objective of the action is to protect the general interest and the collective right of all consumers


If you are a victim of scams or thefts in Cartagena, you must file your virtual complaint with the Attorney General’s Office.

police guidance

If you require police guidance or tourist information, you can visit the physical or virtual tourist service centers.


If you have emergency or urgent situations, you can go to the nearest health center or contact the following telephone lines

Tourism Manager

Report cases of violence intrafamilial, sexual or gender and human trafficking in the Contact Center


Cartagena de Indias has TAXI-type public transportation fare regulation. You can take them from the airport or any other tourist point.

Information points

There you can receive information about the offer of tourist service providers and attractions to visit in Cartagena.

Rafael Nuñez International Airport

Domestic arrivals hall

Rafael Nuñez International Airport

Northern area, Blas el Teso sector

Cruise Port

Port Society of Cartagena

Cruise Port

Port Society of Cartagena

Plaza de la Paz

Next to the Public Clock tower. Venezuela Avenue.

Plaza de la Paz

Next to the Public Clock tower. Venezuela Avenue.

La Bodeguita Dock

Muelle la Bodeguita, Av. Blas de Lezo piso 2. Centro, Cartagena de Indias.

La Bodeguita Dock

Center Av. Blas de Lezo

Tourist Service Centers

Regulations, restrictions and procedures necessary to ensure that your stay in Cartagena is the best.

Tourism Police Points

Rafael Nuñez International Airport

Domestic arrivals hall

Rafael Nuñez International Airport

Northern area, Blas el Teso sector

Playa Azul La Boquilla

Northern area, Blas el Teso sector

Playa Azul La Boquilla

Northern area, Blas el Teso sector

La Bodeguita Dock

Center Av. Blas de Lezo, Rosario Islands exit.

La Bodeguita Dock

Center Av. Blas de Lezo, Rosario Islands exit.

Bocagrande Beach

Located at Playas del Capilla del mar, Next to Hotel Capilla del Mar

Bocagrande Beach

Av. Malecon, in front of the Cartagena Plaza hotel.

Clock Tower

From outside of walled city. On the right of the clock tower entrance.

Clock Tower

Cl. 13 #3-67, Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Provisional passport process

Regulations, restrictions and procedures necessary to ensure that your stay in Cartagena is the best.
STEP 1 : Complaint to the Police Inspection or National Police platform

STEP 2 : Notify the Colombian Immigration office, attaching the pertinent complaint.

STEP 3 : Present before the consulate or embassy of your country in Colombia

Calle 20 B # 29-18 Barrio Pie de la Popa Cartagena, DT – Bolívar

Monday to Friday :
8 am - 12 pm & from 1 pm - 5 pm

+57 [605] 670 05 55

Calle 20 B # 29-18 Barrio Pie de la Popa Cartagena, DT – Bolívar
Monday to Friday :
8 am – 12 pm & from 1 pm – 5 pm
+57 [605] 670 05 55
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