Submit A La Carta Story
Have a hot story?
At La Carta, we are dedicated to capturing the essence of Cartagena. We cover the stories that highlight the city’s vibrant culture, its fascinating people, and the pressing issues that affect our community.
If you have a story idea or information on something we should look into, we want to hear from you! Please provide as much detail as possible: What happened? When and where did it take place? Why is this story important to our readers? How did you come across this information?
We respect your privacy and understand if you wish to remain anonymous. However, to help us create the best possible story, we encourage you to include any documents or evidence you might have. The more specific and factual your tip, the better!
For general inquiries, please visit our contact page.
To submit a story idea or tip, please fill out the form below with all relevant details (What, When, Where, Why, and How). Your submission could be the next big feature in La Carta!